Monday, March 18, 2013

Our weekend!

Friday night was such a fun night. I volunteer with younglife, and Friday night we had a tacky prom for the high school kids.  We all just dressed up crazy and had a wild dance party! It was a ton of fun. Will and I nailed the costumes and awkward 80's prom pics!

Saturday I spent the whole day working.  When I was done,  we went to spend time with Will's family and his family that traveled from Wisconsin by CAR. Crazy! They were heading to Disney World, so they stopped by to visit!

Sunday morning we woke up and went to church.  It was an amazing service!  The series we are going through right now is "Who is Jesus Really?".  A lot of interesting points have been brought up that I never even thought about.
After church, Will and I grabbed some yummy Chinese food and headed to the Gap outlet with my 40% off my entire purchase coupon! I got some really cute stuff!
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and watching my guilty pleasure, Pretty Little Liars.  I know, I know- it's an ABC family teenage girl show.  But I cannot get enough of it!  We ate a Outback with Will's parents which was such a treat because then I didn't have to cook! :)

Will and I have been waking up every morning at 7 a.m. to go to the gym.  It has been great but tough on me on the mornings I want to sleep in.  We have been eating a lot healthier and I already feel so much better about myself!  I am not trying to lose any weight, just trying to tone up and get into shape. Will is doing SO awesome and I am so proud of him.  This morning, I made a feta cheese and spinach omelet with toast and cut up apples and bananas.  Boy, it was good!  I'm trying to find super healthy recipes that also sound's tough!


p.s. Today is ONE YEAR since Will asked me to be his wife!!!! :)