Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Big Move!

Well....where to start?  Will & I are living in Atlanta now!  It all literally happened so quickly that there was no time to update about this.  Basically, two weeks yesterday, Will was offered a job with AT&T in Atlanta.  BUT, they wanted him to start April 1st. That's right, two weeks later.  So we jumped on the decision to move to Atlanta and began packing and apartment searching. 

Sunday and Monday before we were supposed to move were spent searching around the Midtown area for an apartment that was nice and safe.  We found our perfect match, which just so happens to be where Will lived when he went to Georgia State. 

We got back Monday night and had a surprise birthday party for Will's mom. Monday night, in the middle of the night, Will was sick allllll night long.  He caught the gross stomach bug that had been going around like crazy.  So all day Tuesday (two days before Will is supposed to move our stuff to Atlanta) he was laying in bed while me, his mom, his dad, and his sister worked like crazy to get all of our stuff in boxes.  Packing for one person was always bad enough, but packing for two people was crazy! I had no idea how much stuff we had!! 

Will left Thursday morning with his brother and one of our friends to bring all the stuff to our new apartment.  I had to finish out my week at both of my jobs, so I came up Friday night (after sitting in 4 1/2 hours of Spring Break traffic).  When I finally got here at 9:30 Friday night, Will took me out to my favorite pizza place, Fellini's, for dinner.  It was great!

We've spent hours and hours unpacking, cleaning, organizing, etc.  We FINALLY have our apartment how we want it, just still missing a few things on the walls and our built in bookshelf.  But here it is folks:

//Walking in our front door//



//Dining Area//

//Built in Bookshelf//
 (Not Completed)

//Living Room//

(Horrible IPhone pic)
//Our view: King Plow Arts Center//
//Our Bedroom//
(Not Completed)
(It's SO big!!)

So there it is! Our new home.  It's a work in progress, but we LOVE it so far!! I'll update soon about what we've done since we moved in! 