Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The morning after our wedding, we did some sleeping in and got ready and headed to Jacksonville. We planned a rest day in between the wedding and traveling. On our way to Jacksonville we were both quite hungry, but for some reason all that I wanted was Taco Bell. So that's where we stopped to eat. So romantic. :)

We spent the majority of the day in Jacksonville just watching TV in our hotel room. We were exhausted! We finally mustered up the energy and headed to St. John's town center. We stopped in a few stores and then ended up having dinner at p.f. Changs! That was a treat since we don't have that restaurant in valdosta.

We left early the next morning (5 am to be exact) to head to the airport. We were EXHAUSTED.

Trying to waste time during a layover...

We flew from Jacksonville to Atlanta to Dominican Republic. When we got to the DR it was an hour ride to the resort which went by very quickly because it was like a sight seeing tour.

They put a cute Honeymooners banner on our door :)


We stayed at Excellence Resort in Punta Cana and I HIGHLY recommend it. Our days were filled with being as lazy as possible in the sun. We would usually start on the beach on the morning, but it was so windy we would end up moving up to the pool.

It started out beautiful and wonderful like this....
...and like this.

And would turn into a freezing windstorm in a matter of seconds.
(Note the trees blowing behind me)

All of the food and drinks were all inclusive which was awesome! It was so great not having to pull out a dime the whole time we were there!

At night they always had fun shows to watch such as a Michael Jackson show, a circus show, and a show that showed off some traditional Dominican Republic dances.

This guy was IDENTICAL to Michael Jackson

The circus show!
The shows didn't start until 9:30, so we would usually go in from the pool or beach around 5, get showered off, take a little nap, and head to dinner around 7. Being on vacation time was something I loved! It's so nice to get out of routines and business and just be able to make your own schedule.
The resort had 8 different restaurants. My favorite was the Italian restaurant, the Mediterranean restaurant, and the Japanese restaurant.

Eating a whole pizza by myself at 11 p.m. Classy, I know.
Our romantic dinner :)

My favorite thing we did and a dream come true was that we got to go horseback riding on the beach!  It was included in our honeymoon package, and it was something I always wanted to do, so we woke up early one morning to go! It was so much fun! Will didn't believe me that I knew how to ride horses, but I was leading the group the whole time. ;)


We met 2 young couples that got married on the same day as us and they were from Kentucky and Tennessee so we all felt connected since we were the few "southerners" there. They were all so sweet  and so fun to be around.
The girls at the disco!

The only bad thing about our vacation (which wasn't even that bad) was that the only time our transportation could take us from the resort to the airport was 6 hours before our flight.  We ended up sitting in a little park at the airport for a VERY long time...then stood in line for about 2 hours to get through security.  But hey, if that's the worst thing that happened then I think we did alright!
Waiting patiently...

Hubby taking a snooze on the park bench.

I would give anything right now to be back on our honeymoon.  Uninterrupted time with my husband and just relaxing in my favorite of places (the beach) was so incredible. I loved every second of our first week of marriage! I'm already begging will to take me on another vacation! :)

