Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I wish to be a better blogger...

Well, once again, time got away from me. I mean a wedding, honeymoon, an settling into married life is a good excuse....isn't it? I honestly feel like my life NEVER slows down.

I have been working in the mornings at White Weddings. It's a beautiful bridal store in Valdosta. After I leave there, I work at the daycare for the rest of the day. My schedule is actually really good for me because I am able to split up my day doing different things instead of being at the same job, doing the same thing, and seeing the same people all day every day.  I get SO bored so easily so this works really well for me and makes the work day seem to go by quickly!

Hopefully tonight I will do a post on our honeymoon. I will wait for our wedding pictures to come in to do a post on our wonderful wedding!
