Thursday, March 14, 2013


I have been struggling SO badly with managing time lately.  It seems as though my life never stops until my head hits the pillow at night.  But the past few days, God has been teaching me about rest. I make myself busier than I really am.  That doesn't mean that I'm not busy.  Having stuff to do after work 4 out of 7 nights of the week IS a busy schedule.  Plus, I have recently started working Saturdays at my job.  So I work 6 days a week.  While it is tiring, I am thankful that I have a job and an opportunity to make money.  But the reason I say that I make myself busier than I really am is because I spend SO much time checking instagram, facebook, etc.  I don't allow myself to have those moments when I have nothing better to do than check social media to just rest
This word has literally thrown itself at me since the week Will and I got back from our honeymoon.  I have worn myself out, but not allowing myself to take full advantage of any spare seconds I have to just rest, or pray, or read scripture.
We live in a culture where if you're not busy busy busy you just feel flat out lazy and you feel like the world is spinning around you and you are just sitting still.  Atleast that's how I feel most of the time.

I had the most refreshing morning reading my devotional.  It was another subtle reminder from our wonderful God to rest:
"Do not hesitate to receive Joy from Me, for I bestow it on you abundantly.  The more you rest in My Presence, the more freely My blessings flow into you.  In the Light of my Love, you are gradually transformed from glory to glory.  It is through spending time with Me that you realize how wide and long and high and deep is My Love for you.
Sometimes the relationship I offer you seems to good to be true.  I pour My very Life into you, and all you have to do is receive Me.  In a world characterized by working and taking, the admonition to rest and receive seems too easy.  There is a close connection between receiving and believing: As you trust Me more and more, you are able to receive Me and My blessing abundantly.  Be still, and know that I am God."
I hope this is encouraging to anyone else who feels just as tired as I do.  Rest in Him today.
