Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lake Days

A number of years ago (I'm not even sure how many anymore), my family bought some lake property on Lake Hartwell.  Since then, it has been a favorite place for us to frequent.  Although we had the land for a while, my parents decided to hold out on building a house until the time was right.  FINALLY, a few years ago, we had a beautiful house on the lake to visit and spend a lot of memorable time together.

This past weekend, Will and I went to the lake with my family to prepare the boat for the summer days that are so close (it it would be sunny and warm for more than one day at a time!).

The weather was thankfully warm and sunny for one day, so we took advantage of being outside and got some sun!


THEN, one of the most exciting things happened (at least to us) :)...MY MOM CAUGHT A FISH!  Right in front of some fishermen that were fishing around our dock with their fancy boat.

Sunday was unfortunately cool and cloudy, so there was no outside time for us.  We ventured out to get some lunch at a local country club, then Will and I headed back to the ATL.  I love that the lake is so relaxing and such a wonderful place that is not too far away for a weekend getaway!