Monday, June 17, 2013

Long Overdue...

This blog post is EXTREMELY overdue.  I wrote pretty much the whole thing last weekend and included all of the pictures when I pressed remove to remove a picture and instead it decided to remove my entirely too long blog post.  So now that I have cooled down about it, I'm going to start all over!

First big and exciting news around this Welch household is that I got my first brand new car!  Here is it: a 2013 Nissan Rogue!

I've always wanted an SUV, and a I researched quite a few before we discovered this one.  It's a smaller SUV but it's great for nannying since I am constantly putting two small kids in car seats in the back.  I am SO in love with it.  It truly is a great car from all of the research I have done and from 3 weeks worth of driving it.  If you're looking around for a new car, I would check this one out!

But buying this car meant I had to trade in the old Jetta.  I was so excited, until I saw it sitting there and realized it was no longer going to be mine and I would never know where it ended up.  That was the car I drove to high school in and drove all of my friends around in.  I went off to college in that car.  I made many homesick trips home in that car.  While I had that car, I met a boy who I never knew I would someday marry.  I got married while I had that car.  Will and I took a leap of faith and we packed down that little Jetta and moved to Atlanta.  It went with me through many HUGE milestones in life.  I never knew how much I would miss it!  Ok, I may be a little dramatic.  Will- I know you are laughing at my exaggeration and drama in this post. haha

Saying Goodbye

Moving job has been going SO well!! I love every single day of it.  Last Thursday,  the mom stayed home to work from home so we ended up taking the kids swimming in their pool in the backyard and she made me lunch!  They spoil be unbelievable amounts.  I am so thankful for them and their family.  I feel like nannying is a real hit or miss job.  I know people that have been miserable working for the families they work for.  But I guess I got extremely lucky!  Here are some cute pictures of the kids!

A cute video I sent to his mom one day!



Luca goes to camp for most of the time that I am there so that's really why I only have pictures of Layla.  Luca doesn't stop moving long enough to take any cute pictures :)

A few weeks ago at church, a children's choir from Uganda was there performing. It was seriously one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.  Before they performed, they showed a video from one of the little girls in the choir.  She gave us a tour of her home and introduced us to her little brother.  He is 3 years old and walks 40 minutes each way to school by himself every single day.  Their lives are so encouraging with the way that they love and praise God everyday for what they have, even though it is not much. You can check out their website here if you are interested.

I've been really impressed with how much I have improved at cooking.  The following pictures are pretty simple meals I've made lately, but I have made some more time consuming meals that have actually turned out really well.  To let you know how far I have come, I have to let you know what I made Will the first time I cooked for him while we were date.  It was a box of boiled bowtie noodles with a jar of alfredo sauce on top.  That was it. No meat, no bread, no salad,  nothing. Just noodles and sauce.  We have also been trying to eat a little bit lighter and we try to eat around 6, if possible, so we have time do go outside and do some sort of activity.  Our favorite after dinner activities include throwing the frisbee at Piedmont Park, going on walks, and our new favorite is geocaching.


A few weekends ago, we tried going to Summerfest in Virginia Highlands because one of my favorite bands, Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors, were going to be there for FREE!  So our friends Trey and Katie and Clint and Catherine met at our apartment to go.  Naturally, a huge storm blew through Atlanta but was over in about 15 minutes.  When we got to Virginia Highlands and finally parked, we walked to where the concert was supposed to be.  It was hot as all get out by then but the sun was shining and the sky was blue.....and the band was packing up all of their crap to leave. Go figure.  So we decided to head back over near our apartment to a local coffee shop.  Catherine and I were sitting under this extremely classy painting, so where better to get a pic?

One of our favorite things to do at night is to drive around and house hunt. No, we're not buying a house ANYTIME soon.  We just LOVE looking at all of the different kinds of houses around Atlanta.  ESPECIALLY, the houses, or shall we call them castles, right over where I nanny.  Here's a preview of one...and crazy enough, that's not the biggest one we saw.

When we got home, we encountered this crazy beautiful sunset!  I like to drive to the top of our parking deck at our apartment to get pictures.  Sunsets and sunrises are my favorite things...but I usually only catch the sunsets :)
Oh, and for your viewing pleasure, here is Father's Day videos gone wrong:
*Disclaimer: Events from this video were during my reckless High School days. And I do not have a criminal record.  And my dad is not a creep.*