Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Engagement

Will proposed to me on March 18th, 2012.  It was easily the best day of my life so far, but I have a feeling that our wedding day is going to top it.  That is hard to believe!

I had been in Honduras the whole week before on a mission trip during college spring break.  I had only gotten to speak to Will one time the whole week for about 4 minutes, so I was missing him terribly by the time we arrived back in the U.S. Saturday night (which he also surprised me by picking me up from the airport!!)
Before I had left for my trip, we talked about going out to his family's farm when I got back to fish, relax, and talk about my trip. So when he mentioned Sunday after church that he had a whole day planned for us I thought nothing of it.  Unfortunately, I got a parasite or something in Honduras because I was sick as a dog on Sunday.  I couldn't eat at all.  I told him I didn't want to go on our special day and we were going to have to reschedule it.  Of course, he kept pushing me to come with him so I just sucked it up and went along with it.
We drove out to the farm and I had absolutely NO idea what was about to happen.  We drove to the pond and went out onto the dock.  I bought him a journal to write down stuff from his week so he wouldn't forget to tell me if anything exciting happened.  Since I was used to talking to him everyday I was a little worried on missing out on his life for a week ( Pathetic, I know).  So he starts reading through all of his days, but tells me he is going to come back to Monday.  Once he gets through with the rest of the days, he starts on Monday.  It went something along the line of "Today I woke up very anxious but excited.  I was driving to Atlanta to ask your parents permission to marry you." Of course, I start sobbing (not the pretty kind).

One of my best friends is an amazing photography and hid in bushes to take all these candid pics :)
Then he took me over to a place where we always fish, which was really just so Caroline could get better pictures.  He read Ephesians 5:22-33 and prayed for us.

THEN, he FINALLY got down on one knee after much anticipation and asked me to be his wife!  I don't remember much of what was said but I'm assuming I said YES!!! I was so excited and a whirlwind of emotions occurred! 

One of the sweetest pictures to me.
I love him so VERY much!
After that we went back to the dock and he gave me the sweetest gift.  He knows I love Pinterest, and he came up with this idea after hacking my account. :)

After he informed me that Caroline was taking pictures the whole time. haha

We headed up to the farm house to get away from the heat and mosquitos so that I could call my family and tell them the great news! Well, I walked through the door and this was my reaction…

EXTREME shock is the only way to put those pictures! My whole family had driven all the way from Atlanta to celebrate with us.  Both of our families and some of our friends were there. JOY. Absolute joy.  And boy I am blessed to have a man in my life that would go through all the planning and effort to make this the most perfect day.

My family.
My best friend :) 
My in-laws.

It was a day I will truly never forget.  It was so special and more than I could have ever dreamt of. Tomorrow marks exactly 2 months until our wedding. I can't wait to be Mrs. Welch. :)