Sunday, November 25, 2012

New blog!/thanksgiving break

I am super excited about starting this new blog. I have been wanting to start one to keep memories of this new stage in life I am going through.... Graduating from college, about to get married, becoming a wife, etc. I just want a place that I can look back and read about memories of this fun stage in life!

Well, this past week was thanksgiving break. It was such a great time to sit around, eat a lot, and hang out with my family. It was the first time Will and I have been in the same place during thanksgiving so it was fun and special!

Wednesday: we woke up and went out to eat habachi at my favorite Japanese steakhouse in snellville with my childhood best friend. We spent a lot of the day napping and waiting for my sister and brother in law to get off work to come hang out. We spent a majority of the night baking and trying some new recipes. It was fun girl time! :)
Thursday: thanksgiving!! We spent the afternoon bowling with friends and then had them over to our house for dinner.  We spent the night watching football and playing games. We spend holidays with some close family friends since we don't have any family nearby. It was a great day where we got to take time to reflect on everything were thankful for. We really need to do that more often. I am so blessed beyond belief.

One of my biggest blessings... :)
Friday: we spent the afternoon walking around downtown Clemson.

We ate at a little joint called loose what we were expecting but they served will this HUGE burger!

We spent the rest of that evening at the lake house playing games and eating lots of thanksgiving leftovers!!
Saturday: we woke up and went into the small town by the lake and had lunch. Then we went home just in time to see the Georgia/GT game. I'm glad my dawgs won but I would have loved to see a more interesting game.

My view from bed at the lake... Not too bad!

Now will and I are in the car on the way back down south. We chose to leave later tonight to avoid all of the holiday traffic tomorrow! Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving holiday with loved ones!