Thursday, May 16, 2013

First Job in Atlanta!

This week has been a complete sigh of relief.  Since we moved to Atlanta, I have been on searching and searching for a nanny job.  The majority of my working time has been in child care or in the restaurant business.  I knew I did not want to be in the restaurant business, so I looked into nannying.  I had a few interviews with families that just did not excite me….but it was a job and money and I needed to do what I needed to do.  Well, as good old Garth Brooks put it, some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.  The Lord knew exactly what I needed, and I didn't get these jobs.

Then, I had my last interview with this lady at Starbucks.  I felt so relaxed and comfortable with her, and it almost felt like we were friends right off the bat.  She even bought my drink!  I left there just feeling like her and her family would be perfect for me, which was a feeling I did not have with the other interviews.  They have two kids: 1 boy & 1 girl.  The boy is 3.5 years old and the girl is 5 months.  It's the best of both worlds!  I  LOVE babies but I also love being able to run around and play games with little kids.  The schedule was perfect: 35 hour weeks with Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays off! And they live about 10 minutes away AND I can take backroads.aka NO TRAFFIC FOR THIS GIRL!!! I mean, who wouldn't want that??

Well, later that week her and her husband invited me over to their home to meet their children.  First off, their house was something out of a dream.  Their whole neighborhood looked like something out of a movie.  Most likely, it has been in movies.  I was in complete awe driving through there and then walking into their house.  I was immediately in love being the House Hunters addict that I am.  Then, the CUTEST little 3 and a half year old munchkin came running to the door and welcomed me into their home, followed by the mom with the sweetest 5 month old chunker on her hip, and the dad following right behind.  I felt so invited in, and everyone seemed so excited I was there!  They immediately showed me out to their backyard where the little boy wanted to start playing with me.  They have an awesome playground and a pool that I can enjoy with them!  They gave me the rundown and I spent about an house with them.  She then told me that they would let me know their final decision within the next week.

So the waiting game began.  I checked my e-mail probably…..15 times a day. No joke.  After a week went by of not hearing from them, I started to lose hope and began thinking about searching for new jobs.  But I just did not want to give up on this family.  Will insisted I needed to e-mail them to find out if I needed to be more patient or if I need to continue on my search.

Well, I finally got the e-mail back I had been waiting for.  She continuously apologized for taking so long, and then I read the best words: I'm sorry it has taken so long, but we would love to offer you the position!  Will and I were sitting on the couch together and I could not stop smiling and happy tears almost fell from my eyes!  Especially after I read the last sentence that she wrote: We would be very excited to have you be a part of our family!  

So, I will be starting part time next week to get in the swing of things, and start full time at the beginning of June.  So excited about this blessing and to get to know this sweet little family!  Thank you to all who prayed or thought about me during the search time.  I'll definitely keep everyone updated on how my first week goes!! :)